We build leaders! Here are a few of them! Terry Ann Lance Will David Katie Farzana Mariben Aldo Swan Anh Harris
Please enjoy the stories of our members from across North America, as they share what NAAAP has meant to them. If you find yourself in a story, if you hope that NAAAP can help you in a similar way, if you want to connect with more Asians, help NAAAP grow. Start your legacy of giving back on #givingTuesday with an individual donation, no matter how large or small. Maximum participation is our goal.
What is #givingTuesday? It's an online charitable donation campaign that runs through 11:59 PM, Nov. 27, 2018.
When is #givingTuesday? Officially, it's the first Tuesday after Thanksgiving.
Share this page on your social media and through messages to friends. Please use the hashtag #NAAAPGives
Three additional incentives:
1. Chapter Rewards! If you add the name of a chapter in the spot "I wish to donate in honor of..." 30% of your donation will be given to that chapter.
2. If we surpass 200 donations across the board, chapters will receive an additional 10% (total 40% of the designated donation).
3. The chapter with the most number of donations by unique individuals will win one dozen of NAAAP's new 2019 long-sleeved shirt shipped to the president of the chapter.
To donate, just click on the button.
The Giving Tuesday campaign will run until 11;59 PM on Nov. 27, 2018. Please use the hashtag #NAAAPGives